Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I was the only one on afternoons that doesn't "carry" (a firearm) I had only a maglite and kindness to kill you with.  Fred is scared to wander the building at night... which really scares the piss out of me(him being such a bad ass and all)...I think he expects there are crack smoking squatters somewhere...which wouldn't surprise me. 

It took me almost a month working there before I built up the courage (boredom) to wander around.  When I asked people if they had looked around they usually told me "no thanks" with wide if they meant to say "you can if you want but as for me ... no fucking way."  ...or I would hear how there used to be wild dogs living in the building(multiple confirmations) or there was a guy who worked here and lost his house and was living upstairs for months before anyone noticed(multiple confirmations) or some guy died in the freight elevator shaft(unconfirmed) it is true however, that the freight elevators are no longer in service.... trapping remnants from the past upstairs. 


  1. So, how much of the building is actually being used by the company? It sounds like there's a lot of vacant space. I'd be freaked out walking around there in the middle of the night, too!

  2. I would be freaked out during the day also. Had I known my little boy was in such a place, I'da said get the hell out of there now!
