Saturday, April 14, 2012

Do Not Disturb

 Ive previously spoke of smells and sounds .....a mustiness in the air.  The basement is different.  At first appearence it seems like the rest of the building.  There is more in the air than mold down here...there is no sound.  As soon I pass the landing I can feel the moisture coating me...the atmosphere sucks the air from my lungs and there is something else....something just seems wrong.  The feeling is surreal... its another realm... another's colder as I descend the last of the stairs.

Dont believe everything you read.....the internet told me that sure the fire marshal hasnt been around recent
ly to check if this door stays closed...despite his orders.  The "DO NOT DISTURB" I believe was written by the ghost of Doverspike.  I probably should have heeded this warning.

A fog would literally come and go at random.  a long cooridor with no echo.  only the occasional drip and my own breathing through my respirator.
the ghost of doverspike shows its self.  

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