Friday, October 7, 2011

The new guy cleaning up... what a go-getter! and no one even prompted him to.  This young lad is going up in the world.  Remember safety first  and a clean work environment is a safe work environment.  My advise was short... be careful and don't do anything stupid since your not getting paid enough to hurt yourself, get a smartphone and surf the internet and apply for a different job, take time to call your wife since your working afternoons, and whatever you do....... don't go wandering around this place at night.
 From the catwalk.... One of the few that didn't turn out blurry because I am deathly afraid of heights. Our actual work space is a newer addition and much cleaner than the rest of the building.  The yellow is the crane...I would routinely get to lift bundles of rods and place them next to the machines...some of the bundles weigh upwards of 4000lbs so I take my sweet time. They tell me the guy on days moves real fast and gets the rods swinging and everybody gets a little nervous. When day guy lifts a bundle...that's when its time for a smoke break.  Oh yeah! everyone smokes in the building which doesn't bother me since I can't smell it over the rest of whats going on...unless of course someone is smoking while filling up a barrel of oil....which makes me nervous and that's when its time for a coffee break.

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